A garden to walk in an immensity to dream

Deep watering is a gardening technique that involves watering slowly and extensively into the soil. By doing so, it encourages roots to grow deeper, helping plants to ground better and be more resilient to drought.
Through this framework Pleasure Ground invites you to celebrate the end of the summer and the first season of this recently planted garden.
The celebration will be split in two parts: The first part of the day, from 13:00 to 17:00, will involve several workshops and hands-on gardening and cooking. At 17:00 we will stop to share a meal that will be followed by performances, readings and music.
More details about the program is to follow soon. It is an all-ages program and an accessible venue.
And will take place at the public gardens at Baggerbeest on Zeeburgereiland.
Het AFK ondersteunt 'A garden to walk in an immensity to dream' via Mijn Eerste Aanvraag.
Datum: 28-09-2024
Locatie: Baggerbeest
Meer informatie: https://www.instagram.com/apleasureground/